Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wishing you a most happy and joyful New Year!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Find Your Magic!

365 lesson 3

Journal page made with newspaper clippings (the text), a bit of drawing (the nest, butterfly, and twigs), a magazine image (the bird), paint, and graphite pencil.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Reflective Journal Page

I can't decide if I have the best... or worst job ever. On the one hand....I have such a creative job (costume design), on the other hand...killer hours! These past 3 weeks I've put in a minimum of 16 hrs a day (7 days a week)....up to 3 days in a row of 20 hour work days!! Seriously, for three nights in a row I only got 45 minutes sleep each night. Combine that with the demands of the script, director, actors (an entire drama into it's self), studio, sound, camera, shooting schedule, and then (for kicks and giggles), toss in the producers budget,... I'm just about to go "postal"!

So I thought I'd post this journal page that reflects (and reminds me of), how I feel about my job at it's best.  The little eggs of an idea, many satellite considerations, followed by "divine inspiration".... with several spiky bits along the way.

Thank God for Angels!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Journal Fun

I'm really having fun in Pam Carriker's Journal 365 class. Lots of great inspiration! I also signed up for her Angel's Anthology class which starts in a few days....can't wait!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Journal Intervention

My schedule at work has been hectic lately, to say the least.  I've scarcely had time to breathe...let alone do anything creative! I couldn't update my blog, paint, tear, paste, gild or glitter. I needed an intervention...Stat!

I've long admired art journals but never seemed to finish one. I'd get frustrated and quit when the list of steps required hours of prep, or nothing sprang to mind when the blank page glared back at me.  As a firm believer in "Use it or lose it", I felt I was withering away.

Then I discovered Pam Carriker's Journal 365 class. It's a tad expensive at $120, but it's a whole year of ideas, techniques, and I went for it. I'm so happy I did!

The journal page above is from the "Behind The Mask", exercise and was quick, fun, and full of inspiration. Thanks Pam!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Art is all around us to explore and get messy with...Be BrAVE!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Here is something I'm working on for the upcoming spooky season. I'm not sure if it's done yet (I'm wanting to add more stuff), but if you're interested in how I made it (and for the clip art too), leave a note!  I'll make a PDF with instructions and post it here.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Student Work

I'm thrilled by my student's work so far! Everybody is working at her own pace and not everyone has finished their mandala. Some  are working on several at once!

Here is Natalea's finished mandala
I love the colors!  I'm inspired to use bolder colors in my own art!

Here is one of Heather's

She off centered the mandala and used a house shape for her substrate. Isn't it beautiful?

I'm excited to see what everybody else creates!  The class will be open for a year so they have lots of time to work on them.  Some students have already made gifts for friends and family and many are planning to give them as Christmas presents (what a great gift!).

It's not too late to join. The class will be open for a year so you can join anytime and make one of these beauties for yourself!

You can join us too as it's a work-at-your-own-pace class.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mandala Workshop Live!

The class goes "live" on Monday and I'm so excited by all my fellow artists joining in the fun!!! It's been such a challenge, learning so many new technology things (eek)! But all my ducks are in a row, all classes finished, and ready to go. I'm sending it out with much love to you!

I'm already working on  new things to share... I've got a "Holiday Mandala" class in the works and it's soo darn cute I can't stand it! It will be a new take on...well'll see!!

I'll also be offering some free classes on the blog (Spooky Halloween  is the first), so stay tuned!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Coming to a Computer Near You...Shabby Mandala Workshop

Mandala Workshop Intro from Deborah Everton on Vimeo.
The word Mandala is from the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit roughly translating to mean a circle or center radiating out. Not just a simple shape, but a circle in every sense of the concept. Mandalas appear in all aspects of life: the heavenly bodies of the sun, moon, and stars, flowers and plant life, as well as conceptual circles of family, friends. and community. It reminds us of the worlds existing both within us and beyond us.

The psychoanalyst, Carl Jung,  saw the mandala as "a representation of the unconscious self," and believed his paintings of mandalas enabled him to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality.

What we are going for is the fun, beauty and peace found in creating a Mandala rather than a spiritual or psychoanalytic aspect...but you just might find that as well! Our Mandala will be a beautiful, shabby creation of your very own. Take care....mandalas are addicting! Like potato can't have just one !

Coming to a computer near you -

Create your very own Shabby Mandala and sooth your creative soul. If you can color in a coloring book you can create a beautiful, one-of-a-kind, original artwork! I will show you how in fun, step by step, easy to follow videos and PDFs.

Class Features;

*Four weeks of of classes jammed packed with videos

*Several downloadable styles to choose from

*Full list of supplies and suggestions with links

*Private blog available only to class members

*PDF for each Class with easy to follow instructions

*Downloadable goodies to add to your Mandalas

*Advice, encouragement, and support available at the click of your mouse

*Private photo sharing group so you can gawk, slack jawed at all the beauty your classmates are creating

*Join anytime and learn at your own pace


Monday, May 31, 2010

May Mandala

I love making mandalas.  When I look back at them I'm amazed by how they perfectly reflect my state of mind when I made each one. Mandalas are fun and calming to make. Your brain stops buzzing and before you know it, you have left the stress of the day behind and are wrapped up in the soothing shapes . Once you know a few tricks, they are also quite simple to make! If you can color in a coloring book, you can create your own beautiful, shabby mandala.

This one is 16"x16" on a wooden painting panel. Lots of gold leaf, vintage papers, glitter and a special jewel!

P.S. I've received a lot of interest in mandalas and so, I'm thinking of offering an internet video class. Let me know if you would like to take a class teaching you how to create a personal, shabby mandala from start to finish!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Blog Hop!

Suzi Blu is hosting a blog hop! What a great way to make new friends....and there are prizes involved!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Do you have a Muse or two?  Here are mine....

These two Nip-Nops are ever so attentive while I'm painting, cutting, pasting and generally making a mess.

I'm sure it's all about hoping I'll drop snacks.

Like I ever eat and craft at the same time. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Art Nouveau

If you haven't taken one of Suzi Blu's classes...
go sign up!!! NOW!!!

I went from drawing a stick figure to painting the pretty girl you see to your left thanks to her.

No...I've never met Suzi and she has no idea who I am (other than my class attendance), or that I adore's just between us!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Worship Teesha Moore wonderful is Teesha Moore? Sooooo wonderful!  Not only does she provide us with the most amazing retreats ....but she gives us art tutorials for FREE!!!!

So here is one of my Teesha Moore inspired journal pages.  I sooo wasn't getting art journaling until I watched her videos on youtube.

Thanks, Teesha!!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gothic Lite

Ever since I moved into my 90 + year old gothic style home I've become obsessed by the beauty of the style.  The house even has a  gargoyle over the fireplace! But I don't like the creepy darkness of it.  Thankfully, my gargoyle is reading a book and is surrounded by yellow tile.  I made this little bud vase from vintage wallpaper, costume jewelry, sheet music, and bottle.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Musings

The prompt for this week was to journal about our childhood loves. I think mine were typical, reading, my bike (loooved it), dolls, and my dog, Misty.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Musings Journal

I'm taking the Nostalgic Musings journal class and having tons of fun! Here is our first assignment half way done. I'll add journaling to the left side and to the back of the fold over lady on the right. Most are doing lists to the left page....but because of the gaze of the lady, I see this as an opportunity for the grown-up me to tell the little me a few things!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Journal Fest!

It's here!
I've got all my fingers crossed to get Ingrid Dijkers "Through The Rabbit Hole" class!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Quick Journal Page

I've been super busy at work (7 days a week-16 hours per day), but needed a little play time so I threw this together at 2 AM! I suffered today at work...but it was worth it for my state of mind!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

C.O. Valentine

Hey, kids! Here’s a fun Valentine’s Day project you can make yourself. Here’s what you need: One 28″ x 22″ sheet of red poster board, safety scissors, Pug, and 16-ounce Porterhouse steak.

Carefully cut poster board into heart shape, and cut hole in center
Place pug’s face through hole
Dangle steak in front of pug until pug is completely hypnotized

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cut. Paste.Glitter. Repeat.

I've been busy making banners for three little girls. I'm reaching the home stretch and all that's left to do is..... EMBELLISH!

Lots of vintage love

Like this vintage brooch I found for $4 while I was on location in Michigan last Fall

Out here in L.A. that would have cost $40! It's hard to part with. Hmmmm...come to think of it I have a sweater it would look terrific on (slaps self).....I mean, isn't it darling on little Alix's banner?

Monday, January 25, 2010

One of Those Days

Ugh. My day started hectic and only went crazy from there! The Nip-Nops and I just had a short walk this morning as Dexter only wanted to eat grass. Do I even need to tell you what came next? Yes, he first threw up all over the freshly changed bed, then in the car, then on me (several times). He's finally sleeping so I had a little time to make another page in my Remains of the Day journal. No I didn't document that part!

The little silver Ganish is a 3-d sticker I got in India a few years ago. I wish I had more!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

After The Rain

Is there anything better than a California day washed clean by rain? Not in my book. I took a little spin around the neighborhood with the Nip-Nops (aka Daisy and Dexter) and snapped a few shots for my Remains of the Day journal. Such promise of things to come!

And look at these oranges....just hanging there!

Here's what I did with a couple of those images. A secret garden-

And little Dexter enjoying the sun

And here are those oranges and buds

What I love most about this journal is that all the prep work is done so it's super easy to add your photos!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is Raining-It's Pouring

It's rainy and moody here in LA today....and I love it. I don't love that some are suffering and displaced due to the storms rolling in of the Pacific, but I love being cozy in my art room with my fur babies curled snugly in their beds. The stress of everyday life slips away as I listen to the rain tapping against the windows while I paint, cut, glitter, and paste.

I did venture out between storms to mail this banner to my friend, Claire for her baby girl-

I added a little vintage bling on some letters

And made little fabric flowers on others

I'm still working on my pages for Mary Ann's Remains of the Day class but couldn't take any photos due to the poor light today!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Remains of the Day Pages!

I've started on my pages for Mary Ann's Remains of the Day class
This is the inside cover with a 2010 card I received from my friend Sarah

I love the little heart tag I got from Anahata's traveled the world with me!

A little vellum envelope holds a photo of one of my favorite David Austin roses. The poem above it reads;

A New Year is unfolding
like a blossom
with petals curled tightly
conceling the beauty within

I still need to add stuff to the photo of my fireplace...the old Feliz Dia postcard is a pocket.

A transparency envelope holds a photo of my baby, Daisy Aphrodite.

I still have to journal on the pages.....the hard part!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Watch Out For Low Cruising Swine

I've said for years that I would only confront another sewing machine "When Pigs Fly". Well....Meet my new BFF!

It's all Mary Ann's fault. If her Remains of the Day class hadn't been so fabu this baby wouldn't be gracing my art room right now. I LOVE her!!!!! I installed the needle, threaded and installed the bobbin, and was zipping through my pages before the sweat on my palms dried!